I was away from SAE for most of this week and unfortunately, that meant I had to miss class and as a result, I was unable to receive feedback on the progress of my song exploder.
As of this point in the project, I have finished the demo arranged the track with vocal melodies and lead guitar parts and am now ready for recording.
This week I plan on being at SAE almost every day in hopes to get all of the recordings for my song exploder done by Friday, then spend next weekend editing and preparing the mix session. Then I'll be able to figure out whether I need to record any last minute things, then mix the song through the Neve console and have everything done by the end of the last week.
My plan/schedule for this week is to record rhythm guitars on Tuesday and if time permits record lead parts as well. On Wednesday afternoon I will record drums and potentially on Wednesday evening, I will record bass and vocals. I’ve got a backup session booked on Friday afternoon to record any final guitar overdubs or vocals if I don't get time to do it on Wednesday evening.
For the week just gone, I have spent a majority of my 18 hours out of class once again playing around with guitar tones and figuring out guitar parts.