This trimester has been what I think was my best trimester yet, I feel like I have the worked harder than any trimester before and I’ve produced the most work that I'm actually proud of.
This trimester I have created numerous projects, firstly I created a song exploder, the way I went about this project was to create a butch vig style production of Mac Demarco’s Chamber of reflection. There was a number of hiccups along the way but in the end, I produced something that I was extremely proud of.
I then worked on 3 different post-production projects, the first being a horror film in which I was mainly responsible for the mix. Then I created a narrative without pictures, once again I was mainly responsible for the mix. Our Final post-production assignment was to sound design and mix a documentary, our group got the opportunity to work on a student being made currently at sae. For freelance work, I recorded and mixed 4 songs for a band called Temple In The Sky. This was the piece of work I was most proud of out of everything.
This trimester I have learnt so many things, once again I have been reassured that communication is a must and is one of the most important things when working on creative projects, in order to satisfy the brief and make sure that whatever you are working on is satisfying the client and you’re not just wasting your time.
Next trimester I think that I can continue to improve on my people skills as I think this is probably still my weakest point. I also will continue to improve on my technical skills, things such as mixing, recording, sound design and songwriting.
On the overall grade scale, I think I would fit in somewhere between Distinction and High-Distinction.
I was involved in the project from filming on set right through to doing the mix and sound design for the film. I enjoyed working onset recording sound even though it was a freezing night in Ballarat it was still enjoyable.
The second project was the short EP I recorded and mixed for Temple In The Sky. As I said before this was a project I was most proud of from this trimester. We recorded the whole band live in the neve recording space at SAE and overdubbed some guitars and vocals. The part of this project I enjoyed the most was the mixing as I finally finished a project I was proud of and it was a great feeling to get to that point.
All in all, I feel extremely happy with the outcomes from this trimester, heading into my final trimesters at SAE i feel ready and equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in this industry.